Rio Verde Water Treatment Plant – Campo Largo, Paraná, BrazilMaterial Facts and NoticesInvestor RelationsCVM FilingsMaterial Facts and Notices20242023202220212020201920182017Material Facts11/27/20195 Year Investment Plan Breakdown from 2020 to 202410/23/2019Tariff Readjustment Definition by the Paraná State Court of Audit08/13/2019Material Fact - Auditor`s Report - Disclaimer of Opinion05/22/2019Tariff index denifition by the Paraná State Court of Audit (TCE-PR)05/13/2019Precautionary Measures for the immediate suspension of any act aiming at the implementation by Sanepar of the 2019 Annual Tariff Adjustment05/07/2019Material Fact - Sanepar 9th Issuance of Debentures04/15/20192019 Tariff Rate Readjustment02/01/2019Material Fact - Clarification about media reports01/30/2019Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer & Chief of Environment and Social Action Officer Election01/11/2019Material Fact - Chief Officers Dismissal and ElectionsNotices to the Market12/13/2019Operation "Águas Claras"11/27/2019Debentures Issuance Approval by the Board of Directors11/07/2019Tariff Reestablishment - Application of the 3.76% Differential10/24/2019Change of the Bookkeeping and Custody Agent10/23/2019Retirement Incentive Program08/12/20192Q19 Financial Statements Disclosure Postponement08/09/2019Contract Renewal Process between Sanepar & the city of Ponta Grossa08/06/20192Q19 Financial Statements Disclosure Postponement04/18/20192017 Units Formation Process Disclosure04/17/2019Notice to the Market - Retirement Incentive Program03/21/201955th AGM & 115th EGM Distance Voting Ballots03/20/2019Notice to the Market - Acquisition/Sale of Ownership Interest (article 12 of CVM Instruction 358) GIC Private Limited03/12/2019Start of operations to issue non-convertible Debentures03/12/2019Tariff Readjustment 201902/22/2019Chief Commercial Officer Election02/07/2019Deputy Director Election01/14/2019Directors Designations01/02/2019Notice to the Market - CFO/IRO DestitutionNotices to Shareholders12/20/2019Notice to Sharehlders - deliberated and decided to allocate accounting credit as of December 30, 201912/06/2019Notice to Shareholders - 2018 IoNE and Special Dividends Payment06/18/2019Notice to Shareholders - deliberated and decided to allocate accounting credit as of june 30, 201904/24/2019Notice to Shareholders - 2018 Dividends Payment04/24/2019Notice to Shareholders - GSM Schedule 2019CVM FilingsMaterial Facts and NoticesMaterial FactsNotices to the MarketNotice on Transactions with Related PartiesNotices to ShareholdersCVM CalendarTraded and Held SecuritiesReference and Registration Form