Rio Verde Water Treatment Plant – Campo Largo, Paraná, BrazilMaterial Facts and NoticesInvestor RelationsCVM FilingsMaterial Facts and Notices202520242023202220212020201920182017Material Facts12/19/2023Material Fact - Board of Directors approval of the 14th Issuance of Debentures12/11/2023Material Fact - Deliberation, by Agepar, on Sanepar's request to prove economic-financial capacity11/30/2023Material Fact - Approval, by the 7th EGM of Paraná MRAEs, of the request for the adaptation and regularization of provisional contracts through regionalized direct services provision11/10/2023Material Fact - Economic-financial capacity approval, by the Board of Directors, and filing of this process at AGEPAR and ANA11/08/2023Material Fact - 5 Year Investment Plan Breakdown 2024 - 202810/23/2023Material Fact - Approval, by the Board of Directors, of the proposal of request sent to the microregions to adapt provisional contracts10/10/2023Material Fact - Approval, by the 6th EGM of the Microregions of the State of Paraná, of the proposal for extension and standardization of contractual deadlines09/01/2023Material Fact - Contract signing for the acquisition of shares and other provisions of CS Bioenergia S.A.08/25/2023Material Fact - Approval, by the Board of Directos, of proposal to foward to the Central-Coast, Central-East and West Microregions of the State of Paraná08/02/2023Material Fact - Authorization of negotiations for the acquisition of control of CS Bioenergia by Sanepar07/14/2023Material Fact - Classification result of the bidding process for the PPP of the Central-Coast Microregion of Paraná (MRAE-1)04/20/2023Material Fact - Homologation, by Agepar, of the tariff for the 2nd phase of the 2nd RTP and the proposed tariff structure to be implemented04/10/2023Material Fact - Opening of Public Hearing No. 001/2023 by AGEPAR04/05/2023Material Fact - Approval, by the Board of Directors, of opening the bidding process for the PPP of the micro-region Central-Coast04/05/2023Material Fact - Board of Directors approval of the 13th Issuance of Debentures03/01/2023Material Fact - Request for the issuance of an official letter regarding the amount recognized by the Federal Government02/27/2023Material Fact - Approval, by the Board of Directors, and forwarding to Agepar of Sanepar's manifestations on the RAB of the 2nd RTPNotices to the Market12/31/2023Notice to the Market - 4Q23 Earnings Presentation12/12/2023Notice to the Market - Information about the Public Hearing and Market Sounding of the PPPs of the Central-East and West microregions11/28/2023Notice to the Market - Convocation of members of the Microregional Collegiates for the 7th EGM of the MRAEs of the State of Paraná11/17/2023Notice to the Market - Reopening of the Public Consultation regarding the Central-East and West Microregions PPPs11/14/2023Notice to the Market - Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Sanepar and ESSAP11/14/2023Notice to the Market - Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding and Interinstitutional Cooperation between Sanepar, Paraná and Alto Paraná (Paraguay)11/08/2023Notice to the Market - Authorization to structure a Debenture issuing operation10/31/2023Notice to the Market - Chief of Innovation and New Business Officer election10/27/2023Notice to the Market - CEO Participation in Live Event - Circular Economy Forum10/27/2023Notice to the Market - Signing of the PPP Contract (MRAE-1)10/25/2023Notice to the Market - Statement of Acquisition of Equity Interest - BlackRock10/23/2023Notice to the Market - Measures to support the population of municipalities in emergency situations in Paraná10/06/2023Notice to the Market - Convocation of members of the Microregional Collegiates for the 6th EGM of the MRAEs of the State of Paraná09/30/2023Notice to the Market - 3Q23 Earnings Presentation09/19/2023Notice to the Market - Resubmission of the 124th EGM Management Proposal09/11/2023Notice to the Market - Approval, by Agepar's Board of Directors, of the opening of a Public Hearing regarding the proposal for IRT Methodology09/04/2023Notice to the Market - Contribution Deadline Extension to the Public Consultation of the Central-East and West Microregions PPPs07/28/2023Notice to the Market - Result of the bidding process for the acquisition of electricity in the Free Contracting Environment07/11/2023Notice to the Market - Board member temporary removal07/04/2023Notice to the Market - Public Consultation PPP Central-East (“MRAE-2”) and West (“MRAE-3”) Microregion Opening06/30/2023Notice to the Market - 2Q23 Earnings Presentation05/29/2023Notice to the Market - Opening, by Agepar, of Public Consultation No. 005/2023 regarding monitoring indicators04/27/2023Notice to the Market - Board Approval of the bidding request to purchase electricity in the free contracting environment04/27/2023Notice to the Market - Executive and Deputy Directors Dismissal and Election04/25/2023Notice to the Market - Data from the Roadshow Events of the International Bidding of the PPP in the Paraná Center-Coast micro-region04/25/2023Notice to the Market - Result of the Bookbuilding Procedure of the 13th Issue of Debentures04/13/2023Notice to the Market - Launch of public notice for the bidding process for the central-coast micro-region PPP04/05/2023Notice to the Market - Approval, by Agepar's Board of Directors, of the opening of a Public Hearing regarding the 2nd RTP04/04/2023Notice to the Market - Resubmission RVF of 59AGM - Inclusion of Candidates to Fiscal Council03/31/2023Notice to the Market - 1Q23 Earnings Presentation03/30/2023Notice to the Market - Resubmission of 59AGM and 123EGM's Materials according to the Letter No. 106/2023/CVM/SEP/GEA-203/14/2023Notice to the Market - Opening, by Agepar, of Public Consultation No. 002/2023 regarding the 2nd Phase of the 2nd RTP (Theme No. 4)02/27/2023Notice to the Market - Approval of the forwarding of the 2023 Tariff Adjustment Proposal02/07/2023Notice to the Market - Suspension of the Public Civil Action between Sanepar and the Municipality of Maringá02/06/2023Notice to the Market - Opening, by Agepar, of Public Consultation No. 001/2023 regarding the Proposal for the Tariff Structure of the 2nd Phase of the 2nd RTP01/26/2023Notice to the Market - Authorization to structure a Debenture issuing operationNotice on Transactions with Related Parties07/28/2023Notice on Transactions with Related Parties - Result of the bidding process for the acquisition of electricity in the Free Contracting EnvironmentNotices to Shareholders12/14/2023Notice to Shareholders - Dividends & IoE payment date06/27/2023Notice to Shareholders - Dividends & IoE payment date06/19/2023Notice to Shareholders - 2022 IoE Payment Instructions04/28/2023Notice to Shareholders - 2022 IoE Payment Definition04/04/2023Notice to Shareholders - Nomination of Fiscal Council members - Preferred Shareholders03/09/2023Notice to Shareholders - Information about the postponement of the 59th AGM02/28/2023Notice to Shareholders - 2022 Yield Reports02/13/2023Notice to Shareholders - Information on the inclusion of candidates and proposals in the 59th AGM01/05/2023Notice to Shareholders - 2023 AGM ScheduleCVM FilingsMaterial Facts and NoticesMaterial FactsNotices to the MarketNotice on Transactions with Related PartiesNotices to ShareholdersCVM CalendarTraded and Held SecuritiesReference and Registration Form