Piraquara 1 Reservoir – Piraquara, Paraná, Brazil
Piraquara 1 Reservoir – Piraquara, Paraná, Brazil
  • Investor Relations
  • Investor Services
  • FAQ

What are the types of shares issued by Sanepar and its characteristics? Where are the shares issued by Sanepar traded?

The shares and Units issued by Sanepar are traded only on and are listed in Level 2 of Corporate Governance.

Currently, there are three assets traded on B3:

  • Common Shares (ON): SAPR3

  • Preferred Shares (PN): SAPR4

  • UNITS: SAPR11 – Units are assets composed of more than one class of securities traded together. In the case of Sanepar, each Unit consists in the cluster of one common share and four preferred shares. Units are purchased and /or sold on the market as one.

Why were Units established?

In order to meet the shareholders’ request, in 2017 Sanepar undertook the Units formation process, that resulted in the trading of them on B3, providing greater liquidity to the common shares, which were mostly held by the controlling shareholder.

Can I turn my preferred and common shares into Units? And the reverse?

Yes, this transformation is possible at any time. The execution of the grouping of shares or the reverse must be requested from your broker who will make the necessary arrangements with B3. Sanepar doesn’t manage this operation. It is important to pay attention and respect the condition of the ratio of preferred and common shares that make up a Unit.

Does Sanepar have ADRs?

ADRs - or American Depositary Receipts - are share receipts of non-US companies (including Brazilian companies) traded in the United States.

To date, no Sanepar ADRs have been traded on US stock exchanges.

What is the dividend policy followed by Sanepar?

Sanepar’s current Dividend Policy states that, according to the Bylaws, the portion referring to the mandatory dividend may not be less than 25% of the adjusted net profit pursuant to article 202 of the Brazilian Corporation Law.

In addition, the Company may approve the distribution, as an additional dividend and/or Interest on Equity up to a further 25% of net income in addition to the annual dividend, subject to the financial health and the public interest that motivated the Company’s constitution

Sanepar’s dividend policy can be consulted, in its entirety, by accessing the item Bylaws, Codes and Policies in the Corporate Governance menu of the Company’s IR website.

How often does Sanepar distribute dividends?

Every six months, in June and December of each year, Sanepar makes an accounting credit to its shareholders relating to Interest on Equity on the results of each six-month period, for shareholders with a shareholding position on the date defined by Board of Directors in June and December of each year.

The date and approval for the payment is defined in a single vote at the AGM (Annual General Meeting), held every April.

The payment date must be set within 60 days of the AGM, in accordance with Article 91 of the Company's Bylaws.

The historic of payment dates in previous years can be consulted in the Financial Information menu, Dividends and JCP item.

How can I check and be sure of the accounting credits made?

The accounting credits linked to the CPF or CNPJ of each shareholder can be consulted on the devices made available for consultation by your broker and on the B3 website, in the Investor area.

The amounts, according to the current Policy, refer to the date of the shareholding position defined in June and/or December.

It is worth remembering that, as long as the Annual General Shareholders' Meeting is not held until April and the earnings payment date has not been set, the reports and statements will show a random invalid payment date of MM/DD/YYYY, depending on the consultation channel used. Once the date has been set at the AGM, the field will show the date on which the payment will be executed.

How and when is the income payment date set?

The date for payment of accounting credits is set at the Annual General Meeting, which takes place in April of each year, and which can set the payment to take place up to 60 days after the AGM.

In view of this fact, before the AGM takes place, the statements and indications of the shareholders' accounting credits show an invalid random payment date of MM/DD/YYYY. Once the AGM has taken place and the date has been set, the correct effective date is shown.

I'm not sure how much I should receive on the date of payment. What important points do I need to make sure of?

In the event of any doubts and/or discrepancies regarding the value or accounting credits, it is important to first check your position and type of share or Unit on the record date defined by the Company for the period in question, as well as the number of brokers with whom you invested during the period in question. You should also be aware that there is a difference between the gross amount and the net amount due to income tax paid at source.

Is tag along provided for by the Company's Bylaws?

Tag along is a legal protection granted to minority shareholders in operations to sell control of the company, allowing such shareholders to leave the company if control of the company passes to a new investor who previously had no stake in the business.

The tag along is an obligation of the Company, as it is included in B3's Level 2 of Corporate Governance. This is stated in Chapter VIII, art. 82 and art. 83 of the Company's Bylaws, considering the percentage of 100% for both common and preferred shares, as well as for Units.

I am a shareholder of Sanepar. How can I access the Earnings Report for my shares to prepare my Annual Income Tax Return?

The Income Report for its assets is the responsibility of the bookkeeping agent hired by the Company, in this case, Bradesco, and is available in digital format.

In order to access this document, the investor must access the Digital Documents Portal - PDD (, a platform created to make it possible to view, print and download documents in a completely digital format, in accordance with the procedures below:

1.    On the portal, click on First Access;

2.    Enter your CPF number and date of birth. In the case of Legal Entities, enter the CNPJ and the date of foundation;

3.    To verify your identity, choose one of the options: telephone number or e-mail;

4.    Enter the code you received and create your password;

5.    That's it! Your access has been created. All you have to do is enter your CPF or CNPJ and your registered password.

In addition, investors who are Bradesco account holders can consult and issue the Income Report directly via Internet Banking/Investmentos/Consultas. In Book-Entry Assets, select the option Income Report Consultation - 2nd copy.

What is Sanepar's relevant act and facts disclosure policy?

The Company has defined its Policy for Disclosure of relevant Act or Fact and Trading of Securities Issued by Sanepar, which establishes guidelines for the rules and practices that must be observed by all those who have knowledge of inside information.

The Company's policy on the disclosure of relevant act and fact can be accessed, in its entirety, in the Bylaws, Codes and Policy item of the Corporate Governance menu.

How can I register on Sanepar's IR mailing list, so that I can access the notices to the market, the material facts and the notices to shareholders?

Access to notices to the market, material facts and notices to shareholders is free at

To register at Sanepar’s IR mailing list, and receive a notification when a new document is published and added, access the E-mail Alert item in the Investor Services menu.

How can I contact the Sanepar IR team?

Access the IR Contact item in the Investor Services menu to access the team's contact details via e-mail, telephone or to schedule a meeting.

How does Sanepar broadcast its conferences? How often? Can I access the videos and the presentation of the previous conferences?

On a quarterly basis, Sanepar announces its results to all interested parties by means of a videoconference presentation.

The link for monitoring and the information about the videoconferences will be available on the company's IR homepage approximately 15 days before they take place.

To access the videos and presentations from previous conferences, go to the Results Center item in the Financial Information menu.

Where and when does Sanepar promote the Annual Public Meeting with analyst and investors?

Every year, Sanepar promotes its Annual Public Meeting with Analysts and Investors, in order to present its results and important points that guide the Company's strategy and management. In recent years, in order to enable greater participation, the meeting has been held virtually.

How much does the municipality of Curitiba represent in the total revenue of Sanepar?

Approximately 22.3% (based on June/2023) of Sanepar's total revenue comes from the concession with the municipality of Curitiba. You can follow these figures for Curitiba and other major cities in the Press Release, published quarterly.

How is Sanepar's tariff calculated?

Sanepar's tariffs are calculated on the basis of incentive-based regulation, which more appropriately provides remuneration for prudent investments and incentives to maintain efficient operating costs, enabling productivity gains (X Factor) and their consequent sharing with consumers.

Sanepar's new tariffs are set taking into account tariff modicity and the maintenance of the concession's economic and financial balance.

The procedures for adjusting the tariff components can be corrected by means of a Periodic Tariff Review (RTP), an Extraordinary Tariff Review (RTE), or by applying an IRT - Tariff Adjustment Index.

Details of the topic can be found in the Regulation menu.

Does Sanepar take part in any PPP (Public-Private Partnership)?

Yes. At the moment, Sanepar has a Public-Private Partnership - PPP in the Central-Coast Microregion of the State of Paraná - MRAE-1, made up of 16 municipalities, signed with Saneamento Consultoria S.A. This PPP is responsible for the execution of works, operation and maintenance of sanitary sewage services in the microregion for a period of 24 years and 5 months.

The public consultation process for the international competitive bidding for the PPPs of the Central-East Microregion - MRAE-2 and the West Microregion - MRAE-3 in the state of Paraná is also underway.

Last Updated on June 3, 2024
Sanepar – Companhia de Saneamento do Paraná
Sede AdministrativaR. Engenheiros Rebouças, 1376 – Rebouças
Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil – CEP 80215-900