Rio Verde Water Treatment Plant – Campo Largo, Paraná, BrazilMaterial Facts and NoticesInvestor RelationsCVM FilingsMaterial Facts and Notices202520242023202220212020201920182017Material Facts12/21/2017Relevant Fact - Investment Program for the 2018 to 2022 period12/13/2017Relevant Fact - Pricing the Restricted Offer of Units11/29/2017Relevant Fact - Secondary public offering of units with restricted placement efforts11/28/2017Relevant Fact - Disclosure of the percentage of total minority membership - Formation of UNITS11/28/2017Relevant Fact - Final Numbers of Membership Closure of the UNITS Program11/20/2017Relevant Fact - Communicate the approximate percentage of adhesion in the First Conversion Period of preferred shares issued by the Company in circulation to the Units Program11/13/2017Relevant Fact - number of shares that represents the minimum joining percentage necessary to implement the share deposit certificate issuance program to form units11/09/2017Communicate that AGEPAR presented the formula for calculating the tariff differentiation index as established by the same for the annual transfer of the financial component within the term is known11/07/2017Relevant Fact - Approval of the Strategic Risk Management Policy.10/27/2017Approval of Units Program and Procedures for Conversion of SharesNotices to the Market12/22/2017Notice to the Market - Credit Interest On Equity11/30/2017Notice to the Market - Acquisition / Sale of Ownership Interest (article 12 of CVM Instruction 35811/17/2017Relevant Fact - Minimum joining of 40% of preferential shares issued by the Company11/06/2017AGEPAR - Regulatory Agency of Paraná, through decree no. 013/2017 appointed servers to compose the Working Group for Development of Regulatory Accounting Standards for sanitation area.CVM FilingsMaterial Facts and NoticesMaterial FactsNotices to the MarketNotice on Transactions with Related PartiesNotices to ShareholdersCVM CalendarTraded and Held SecuritiesReference and Registration Form