Rio Verde Water Treatment Plant – Campo Largo, Paraná, BrazilMaterial Facts and NoticesInvestor RelationsCVM FilingsMaterial Facts and Notices202520242023202220212020201920182017Material Facts11/21/2024Material Fact - 5 Year Investment Plan Breakdown 2025 - 202909/20/2024Material Fact - Classification result of the bidding processfor the PPPs of the Central-East (MRAE-2) and West (MRAE-3) Microregions of Paraná05/06/2024Material Fact - Change of CEO04/09/2024Material Fact - Agepar's decision regarding the 2024 Tariff Readjustment Index01/25/2024Material Fact - Approval, by the Board of Directors, of the bidding process opening regarding the Central East and West microrregions PPPsNotices to the Market12/31/2024Notice to the Market - 4Q24 Earnings Presentation12/18/2024Notice to the Market - Opening, by Agepar, of Public Consultation No. 011-2024 regarding the application of tariff calculation methodologies for the 3rd RTP12/14/2024Notice to the Market - Opening, by Agepar, of Public Consultation regarding the application of tariff calculation methodologies for the 3rd RTP12/09/2024Notice to the Market - Opening of Public Consultation No. 010-2024 regarding the Implementation of Social Tariff for Water and Sewage12/03/2024Notice to the Market - Opening, by Agepar, of Public Consultation regarding the update of the tariff structure in compliance with Federal Law No. 14,898/202411/27/2024Notice to the Market - Publication, by Agepar, of Resolution No. 45-2024 - Amendment to the Schedule for the 3rd Periodic Tariff Revision09/30/2024Notice to the Market - 3Q24 Earnings Presentation09/12/2024Notice to the Market - Water Emergency Resolution No. 42/202409/12/2024Notice to the Market - Chief Commercial Officer election09/12/2024Notice to the Market - Publication, by Agepar, of Technical Note No. 7/2024 regarding the Tariff Review Manual06/30/2024Notice to the Market - 2Q24 Earnings Presentation06/19/2024Notice to the Market - Publication, by Agepar, of Resolution No. 29/2024, which approves the Regulatory Remuneration Base Inspection Plan (BRR)06/03/2024Notice to the Market - Passing of the Company's Chief Commercial Officer05/28/2024Notice to the Market - Election and reappointment of Executive Officers05/23/2024Notice to the Market - Signing of Contract between Sanepar and FIA to prepare a feasibility study for establishing a Holding05/22/2024Notice to the Market - Inauguration of the new Chairman of the Board of Directors05/17/2024Notice to the Market - Submission to the CJF of the list of writs of payment for inclusion in the federal budget in 202504/30/2024Notice to the Market - Publication, by Agepar, of the schedule for the 3rd Periodic Tariff Revision04/26/2024Notice to the Market - Opening, by Agepar, of Public Consultation No. 004/2024 regarding the Draft Resolution of the Regulatory Remuneration Base04/25/2024Notice to the Market - CEO Participation in Event - IFAT Brasil04/24/2024Notice to the Market - Statement of Sales of Equity Interest - BlackRock04/11/2024Notice to the Market - Appointment and inauguration of new Chairman of the Board of Directors04/02/2024Notice to the Market - Resubmission RVF of 60th AGM - Inclusion of Candidates to Board of Directors03/31/2024Notice to the Market - 1Q24 Earnings Presentation03/21/2024Notice to the Market - Publication, by Agepar, of Technical Note No. 17/2024 regarding the regulatory remuneration base methodology03/20/2024Notice to the Market - Resignation of the Chairman of the Board03/14/2024Notice to the Market - Change of dates in the Annual Corporate Events Calendar03/14/2024Notice to the Market - Payment request registration regarding the uncontroversial recognized amount by the Federal Government03/14/2024Notice to the Market - Public Tender process & Voluntary Separation Program (VSP)02/09/2024Notice to the Market - Replacement of the Company's independent auditor02/08/2024Notice to the Market - Chief Legal Officer election02/08/2024Notice to the Market - Tariff Adjustment Proposal02/07/2024Notice to the Market - Resignation of the Chief Legal Officer01/31/2024Notice to the Market - Publication, by Agepar, of Technical Note No.10-2023 regarding the Annual Tariff Adjustment Methodology01/30/2024Notice to the Market - Publication, by Agepar, of Resolution No. 06-2024, which attests Sanepar's economic and financial capacity01/23/2024Notice to the Market - Contribution deadline extension, by Agepar, of Public Consultation No. 001-202401/16/2024Notice to the Market - Result of the Bookbuilding Procedure of the 14th Issue of Debentures01/08/2024Notice to the Market - Opening, by Agepar, of Public Consultation No. 001-2024 regarding the RAB Survey Methodology01/03/2024Notice to the Market - Result of the bidding process for the acquisition of electricity in the Free Contracting EnvironmentNotices to Shareholders12/19/2024Notice to Shareholders - Dividends & IoE payment date06/20/2024Notice to Shareholders - Dividends & IoE payment date06/17/2024Notice to Shareholders - 2023 IoE Payment Instructions04/29/2024Notice to Shareholders - 2023 IoE Payment Definition04/02/2024Notice to Shareholders - Nomination of Board of Directors members - Minority and preferred shareholders03/14/2024Notice to Shareholders - Information about change of the event date of the 60th AGM03/13/2024Notice to Shareholders - 2023 Yield Reports01/05/2024Notice to Shareholders - 2024 AGM Schedule and information on the inclusion of candidates and proposals in the 60th AGMCVM FilingsMaterial Facts and NoticesMaterial FactsNotices to the MarketNotice on Transactions with Related PartiesNotices to ShareholdersCVM CalendarTraded and Held SecuritiesReference and Registration Form