Piraquara 1 Reservoir – Piraquara, Paraná, BrazilDownload CenterInvestor RelationsInvestor ServicesDownload Center2025202420232022202120202019201812/31/20212021 CVM Corporate Events Calendar12/31/2021Earnings Release 4Q2112/31/2021Management Report and Financial Statements 202112/31/2021Notice to the Market - 3Q21 Earnings Presentation12/31/2021Sustainability Report 202112/30/2021Material Fact - Result of the work carried out by the Special Commissions: "Operation Ductos Task Force - Phase II" and "Special Working Group"12/28/2021Material Fact - Economic-financial capacity approval, by the Board of Directors, and filing of this process at AGEPAR, ARIS and ANA12/23/2021Material Fact - Water Emergency Decree12/21/2021Notice to the Market - Disclosure, by Agepar, of the Detailed Report of the Public Consultation No. 9/2021 regarding the alternatives for regulatory action12/21/2021Notice to the Market - General Meetings at the MRAEs to deliberate on the draft amendment presented by Sanepar in order to incorporate targets in compliance with the Sanitation Legal Framework12/17/2021Notice to the Market - Resolution No. 40 - Company’s tariff treatment of power expenses related to the Free Energy Market.12/16/2021Notice to Shareholders - Dividends / Interest on Shareholders' Equity12/13/2021Material Fact - Continuation of the measures taken to minimize the impacts of the new coronavirus to Solidary Water beneficiaries12/09/2021Material Fact - 5 Year Investment Plan Breakdown (2022 - 2026)12/03/2021Corporate Events Calendar CVM11/25/2021Material Fact - Public Consultation opening regarding the Central-Coast (MRAE-1), Central-East (MRAE-2) and West (“MRAE-3”) Microregions - New Regulatory Framework for Sanitation - update terms for insertion of the goals11/24/2021Notice to the Market - AGEPAR - Public Consultations on the transfer to Municipal Funds for Basic and Environmental Sanitation (“FMSBA”) and on regulatory alternatives11/11/2021Material Fact - Progress of investigations related to the Operation “Ductos”11/08/2021Material Fact - Water Emergency Decree10/26/2021Notice to the Market - AGEPAR - Definition by opening of a Public Consultation regarding the transfer to the Municipal Funds for Sanitation and the Environment (“FMSBA”) and other discussions10/22/2021Material Fact - Proposal of Draft Terms of Contractual Updates (Law No. 11,445/2007)10/15/2021Notice to the Market - Executive Officers event participation - 31st Brazilian Congress of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering - ABES10/14/2021Notice to the Market - Executive Officers event participation - CEO Roundtable @ Global Compact Network Brazil10/12/2021Notice to the Market - Expo 2020 Dubai UAE10/08/2021Notice to the Market - Authorization to structure a debenture issuing operation09/30/2021Earnings Release 3Q2109/30/2021ITR09/30/2021Notice to the Market - 3Q21 Results Presentation09/28/2021Notice to the Market - AGEPAR - Public Consultation on annual tariff adjustment methodology - Cicle 2021-202409/14/2021Notice to the Market - Discussion, by AGEPAR, of issues related to the tariff structure and methodology09/13/2021Material Fact - Continuation of the measures taken to minimize the impacts of the new coronavirus to Social Tariff beneficiaries08/12/2021Material Fact - Progress of investigations related to the Operation “Ductos”08/06/2021Material Fact - Water Emergency Decree08/06/2021Notice to the Market - Executive participation in Webinar - OAB PR event - "7th Paraná Legal Practice Conference"08/05/2021Sanepar's Quality Policy08/04/2021Notice to the Market - General Regulation of Sanitation Services ratification by AGEPAR07/28/2021Notice to the Market - TCE's Judgment No. 1609/21 regarding recommendations to AGEPAR07/26/2021Notice to the Market - Public Consultation Agepar: Company’s tariff treatment of power expenses related to the Free Energy Market.07/21/2021Notice to Shareholders -121st EGM Cancelling07/13/2021Notice to the Market - Microregions law enactment06/30/2021Earnings Release 2Q2106/30/2021ITR06/30/2021Notice to the Market - 2Q21 Results Presentation06/24/2021Human Resources Management Policy06/24/2021Notice to Shareholders - Dividends / Interest on Shareholders' Equity06/23/2021Notice to the Market - "Operation Ductos" Status06/22/2021Notice to the Market - Presentation for theTechnical Chamber for the Environment, Water Resources and Sanitation Event06/21/2021Notice to the Market - Board of Directors member participation in Webinar Event - Decree 10.710/2021 and the sanitation sector challenges (FGV CERI)06/21/2021Notice to the Market - Executive Directors participation in Webinar Event - Technical Chamber for the Environment, Water Resources and Sanitation (IEP)06/15/2021Notice to the Market - Microregions Proposal by Government of the State of Paraná to the Legislative Assembly of the State of Paraná06/14/2021Material Fact - Continuation of the measures taken to minimize the impacts of the new coronavirus to Social Tariff beneficiaries06/08/2021Notice to the Market - Board of Directors member participation in Webinar Event - Decreto 10.710/2021 e os desafios do setor de saneamento06/07/2021Notice to Shareholders - 2020 IoE Payment Instructions06/07/2021Notice to the Market - CEO Participation in Webinar Event - Promo Brasile Italia05/31/2021Notice to the Market - CEO Participation in Live Event05/13/2021Material Fact - Conclusion of the investigations related to the operations “Rádio Patrulha” and “Integration"05/05/2021Material Fact - Water Emergency Decree05/04/2021Notice to the Market - Executive Officers Participation in Live Event05/04/2021Notice to the Market - Public Hearing: water & sewage microregions in the State of Paraná04/28/2021Notice to the Market - Executive Officers Participation in Live Event04/22/2021Notice to Shareholders - 2020 IoE Payment04/14/2021Material Fact - Recognition of the Public Hearing and Result of the 1st Phase of the 2nd Periodic Tariff Review (2nd RTP)03/31/2021Earnings Release 1Q2103/31/2021ITR03/31/2021Notice to the Market - 1Q21 Results Presentation03/31/2021Notice to the Market - 1Q22 Results Presentation03/23/202157th AGM - Resubmission of the Distance Voting Ballot and the Management Proposal03/23/2021Material Fact - Call and Guidelines for the Public Hearing No. 001 / 2021 - 2nd Periodic Tariff Review (1st Stage)03/22/2021Call notice - 120th EGM03/22/2021Call Notice - 57th AGM03/22/2021Distance Voting Ballot - 120th EGM03/22/2021Distance Voting Ballot - 57th AGM03/22/2021Manual for the 120th EGM03/22/2021Manual for the 57th AGM03/16/2021Material Fact - Agepar's Board of Directors meeting regarding the 2nd Periodic Tariff Review03/15/2021Material Fact - Continuation of the measures taken to minimize the impacts of the new coronavirus on the population and rules for debt payment to Social Tariff beneficiaries02/18/2021Notice to the Market - Agepar's evaluation about the 2020 Tariff Readjustment02/17/2021Notice to the Market - Sanepar's contributions regarding Agepar's Public Consultation (2nd Periodic Tariff Review)02/11/2021Material Fact - Approval, by the Board of Directors, of the 11th Issuance of Debentures01/25/2021Notice to the Market - Sanepar's contributions regarding Agepar's Public Consultation No. 01 / 2021 and the 2020 Tariff Readjustment01/11/2021Notice to Shareholders - GSM Schedule 202101/08/2021Notice to the Market - 080121- AGEPAR Technical Note RABInvestor ServicesIR CalendarEmail AlertIR ContactYield ReportsGlossaryFAQAnalyst CoverageDownload Center