Piraquara 1 Reservoir – Piraquara, Paraná, BrazilDownload CenterInvestor RelationsInvestor ServicesDownload Center2025202420232022202120202019201812/31/2020Corporate Events Calendar CVM12/31/2020Management Report and Financial Statements 202012/31/2020Notice to the Market - 4Q20 Results Presentation12/31/2020Press Release 4Q2012/31/2020Relatório de Sustentabilidade12/31/2020Sustainability Report 202012/29/2020Material Fact - Definition, by AGEPAR, of the 2nd Periodic Tariff Review process12/29/2020Material Fact - Decision, by AGEPAR, of the 2020 Tariff Readjustment12/18/2020Notice to Shareholders - Dividends / Interest on Shareholders' Equity12/17/2020Notice to the Market - Technical and Financial Cooperation Agreement between Sanepar, Itaipu Binacional & FPTI-BR12/15/2020Material Fact - Continuation of the measures taken to minimize the impacts of the new coronavirus on the population and rules for debt payment to Social Tariff beneficiaries12/10/2020Material Fact - 5 Year Investment Plan Breakdown (2021-2025)11/05/2020Notice to the Market - 3Q20 Financial Statements Postponement Disclosure11/03/2020Notice to the Market - Public Hearing at AGEPAR regarding the Municipal Funds for Sanitation and the Environment10/29/2020Material Fact - Water Emergency Decree Extension10/27/2020Notice to the Market - Incentive Debentures Approval10/27/2020Notice to the Market - Approval of the planning and work proposal for the 2nd Periodic Tariff Review of Sanitation by AGEPAR10/06/2020Material Fact - Conversion of Environmental Fines - Ibama09/30/2020ITR09/30/2020Notice to the Market - 3Q20 Results Presentation09/30/2020Press Release 3Q2009/21/2020Material Fact - Continuation of the measures taken to minimize the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the population09/02/2020Notice to the Market - Board Member Resignation09/01/2020Material Fact - 2020 Tariff Readjustment Suspension08/27/2020Material Fact - News on the 2020 tariff readjustment suspension request08/19/2020Comunicado ao Mercado - Apresentação Reunião Pública de Analistas - 202008/18/2020Notice to the Market - Disclosure regarding the 2020 Tariff Readjustment08/13/2020Notice to the Market - AGEPAR Public Hearing08/06/2020Notice to the Market - Removal and Election of the COO07/29/2020Notice to the Market - Enactment of State Law No. 20,266 / 202007/23/2020Regimento Interno do Comitê de Auditoria Estatutário07/20/2020Notice to the Market - Operation Ductos07/13/2020Notice to the Market - Tariff Adjustment Suspension06/30/2020ITR06/30/2020Notice to the Market - 2Q20 Results Presentation06/30/2020Press Release 2T2006/25/2020Notice to Shareholders - Dividends / Interest on Net Equity06/24/2020Material Fact - Continuation of the measures taken to minimize the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on the population06/18/2020Notice to the Market - Executive Officers reappointment06/15/2020Notice to the Market - Executive Officers reappointment & election06/08/2020Notice to the Market - Sale of Ownership Interest - XP Gestão06/03/2020Notice to Shareholders - 2019 JCP Payment06/03/2020Notice to the Market - Approval of the Working Capital Operation with Banco BTG Pactual SA05/08/2020Material Fact - Water Emergency Decree05/04/2020Notice to the Market - Coronavirus facing measures (Law No. 20187)03/31/2020Conference Call 1Q2003/31/2020ITR03/31/2020Notice to the Market - 1Q20 Results Presentation03/31/2020Press Release 1T2003/30/2020Financial Statements - DFP02/05/2020Rating - Moody`s - 02/05/2020Investor ServicesIR CalendarEmail AlertIR ContactYield ReportsGlossaryFAQAnalyst CoverageDownload Center